Vladimir Markovskii

Systems Engineer
Dmitry Zykov
About me
I currently work as a System Engineer at MTS Digital, in the service integration group, supporting and solving infrastructure & automation tasks for product teams.
Master's degree
Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) 2020-2022. Master's degree in Information and communications technologies. GPA: 5.0. Government scholarship, published an article https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9470533.
Bachelor's degree
Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) 2016-2020. Bachelor in Information Security. GPA: 4.77. Dell EMC First-Year Student Grant, government scholarship, International scientific and technical conference 'Modern technologies in control, automation and information processing'(Crimea) speaker (presented results of joint student project with Dell Technologies, article 'Research on Data Integrity Control Methods in Remote Data Storage Systems'), gained a diploma for the best scientific work.
Additional education
EPAM Training center
DevOps in Big Data - studied and made tasks about Linux, Bash, virtualization, containerization, CI/CD, Python, Ansible (November 2020–March 2021).
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate (2022).
Modern methods of information theory, optimization and management program (2020).
Work experience and research projects
System Engineer
MTS Digital
October 2022–now
  • Migrate project from TFS to Gitlab, setup build server, implemented helm chart and Gitlab CI pipeline to build project and deploy to k8s (Gitlab CI, Helm(Helmfile))
  • Implemented Python scripts to create/setup VMs in VMWare Cloud Director and setup S3 security policies for buckets in custom company's cloud. (Python, VMWare, S3)
  • Deployed Opensearch and Kafka Connect in K8S using operators. Setup integration with custom company's keycloak and Kafka (K8S, Opensearch, Kafka Connect)
  • Implemented Ansible role to deploy MongoDB replicaset. (Ansible, MongoDB)
  • Implemented Gitlab CI pipelines as templates for product teams to build project and deploy to k8s. (Gitlab CI)
  • Implemented stand for custom tool to store data of APIs. Implemented pipelines&kustomize manifests to build/deploy application as ui/api/ws microservices, setup integration with company's cloud Keycloak, Postgres, Vault. (Gitlab CI, K8S(kustomize), Keycloak, Vault)
  • Supporting product teams (problems with K8S, Gitlab CI pipelines, etc)
  • Automated stand creation in custom company's cloud with terraform (Terraform)
System Engineer
Alfa bank
June 2022-October 2022
  • Was part of the test environment maintenance team. Main responsibilities: working with MongoDB (merging clusters, adding TLS using Ansible), implementing Ansible playbooks for migration bank services from Mesos to K8S, writing technical documentation in Confluence, interacting with the Java development team.
System Engineer
EPAM Systems
April 2021-June 2022
  • Planned and implemented RStudio Package Manager migration from standalone installation to k8s based solution (Helm, K8S, Docker, Python, Jenkins).
  • Implemented new features for custom EMR-API: implemented automatic removal of locks in Redis on restart of worker pod(Python, K8S, Jenkins, Redis); possibility for customer to use different cluster parameters in order to reduce costs (Python, Django models/migrations, Jenkins, AWS); created metric about cluster price and dashboard in Grafana for it.
  • Implemented annotation for custom PV-Provisioner to make permissions of folder configurable (Golang, K8S, Docker).
  • Migrated charts's dependencies to Nexus (Nexus, Python).
  • Created technical documentation in Confluence.
Bachelor Thesis
Software-hardware system for radio frequency identification
  • Implemented a C++ program to investigate the influence of parameters of anti-collision protocol and number of tags on identification time. Estimated the average identification time experimentally using RFID testbed and oscillograph. Optimized program and compared results with experiment.
  • Presented results at student conference and published an article. Gained second degree diploma for the best work in the field of information security in https://fumo-spo.ru/ competition
  • C++, RFID, IoT, research
Volunteer at Joker, C++ Russia conference
  • Volunteer at Joker, C++ Russia conference.
  • Russian (Native)
  • English (Upper-Intermediate)
  • Linux
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes (Helm)
  • Ansible
  • Terraform
  • Python
  • Git
  • Gitlab CI
  • MongoDB
  • Professional table tennis player